Rebecca Fiissel Schaefer

Rebecca Fiissel Schaefer, BSc MPA, CEO & Co-Founder
RFS Energy Consulting & Research Group Inc.

Rebecca Fiissel Schaefer is a Senior Executive at RFS Energy Consulting & Research Group and leader in the energy efficiency industry in Canada. With 20+ years of experience, Rebecca has a depth of experience in leading teams to research, design and deliver on climate change policy and energy efficiency plans from coast-to-coast.

Rebecca has been an active member of AEEA since 2017, supporting the growth and stability of the industry in Alberta. Rebecca was first elected to the Board in May 2018 and was appointed as Vice-Chair in November 2019. Rebecca was elected by her fellow Board members as Chair in May 2020 and Past- Chair in May 2023.

For the first decade of her career, Rebecca worked within the public service to forward environmental initiatives and make a difference. She was instrumental in designing and launching some of the first ever residential energy efficiency programs in Saskatchewan and Alberta. More recently, Rebecca has been spearheading corporate strategic growth for industry leaders in the energy efficiency implementation space in Canada. During this time, Rebecca has gained perspective from outside of government and been honoured to support and advise government agencies and utilities across the country on their respective DSM plans and program portfolios.

In 2020, Rebecca co-founded RFS Energy Consulting & Research Group to apply decades of experience of on-the-ground implementation of pilots and programs to help propel forward innovation, research and planning into action across Canada.

A mission driven, results-oriented professional passionate about energy efficiency, climate change policy and her kids. Rebecca believes that individuals can make a difference and hopeful to support in some small way through volunteer roles in her community – including Past-Chair of the Board of Directors for the Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance (AEEA); Acting Co-Chair for the Climate Change Innovation Fund Executive Advisory Committee for the Cities of Calgary and Edmonton; and Girl Guide Leader for Girl Guides of Canada.

Rebecca holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Geography and Geology, as well as a master’s degree in Public Administration, and Public Management (MPA) from the University of Regina.