Cliffton Cross

Cliffton Cross, Councillor
Frog Lake First Nations

Cliffton Cross, Frog Lake First Nations #121 & #122 Council Member, is currently seeking reelection with FLFNs for a third term. Cliffton is proud to say that he was born and raised, attended K-12, graduated, married, and raised a family in his home First Nation. Councillor Cross has over 20 years’ experience working with the youth of his community, and he was previously employed with the community for 10 years, as FLFNs Youth and Recreation Director. Councillor Cross currently holds the portfolios of Education, Daycare, Child and Family Services, Youth and Recreation, Blue Quills University, Capital Projects, and Economic Development. Through various community programs and implementation of several commercial operations, with the FLFNs Chief and Council, Cliffton has been instrumental in advancing the community’s involvement in industry projects including progress of the Site Reclamation Program, SAGD development, implementing a NET Zero Power plant project, and Carbon Hub Sequestration projects. The FLFNs has established partnerships and joint ventures with multiple industry partners, post-secondary/poly-sci institutions, engineering firms and communities, and most recently, the Legacy Energy & Alternative Power (LEAP) Strategic Master Plan – with multiple (14+) large scale green energy, food and water sovereignty and sustainability projects that are all in various stages of development.