Andrea Linsky

Andrea Linsky, P.Eng. M.Ed., CEM, CMVP, Manager of Emissions Neutral Buildings
Alberta Ecotrust Foundation

Andrea is the Manager of Emissions Neutral Buildings for Alberta Ecotrust and is leading the development of a Retrofit Accelerator and a Building Information Exchange, a capacity building hub for emissions neutral buildings in Alberta.

Andrea has over 15 years of experience in the fields of renewable energy, demand-side management, corporate emissions reductions, training and capacity-building for energy management, and high-performance construction. Andrea is a Professional Engineer with extensive technical training in energy management and high-performance building. To compliment her technical expertise, she also holds a Masters of Education in Leadership.

Andrea’s passion lies in bringing people together to create positive change. She looks for innovative ways to get things done and focuses on communication to ensure projects are successful.

 Andrea has been actively involved in utility advisory committees and boards for over ten years and is always looking for ways to support discussions around energy efficiency and emissions reductions.